Large granite Corbels laying on Dartmoor in a row

London Corbels found on Dartmoor

Old image of an overcrowded London Bridge

Through the centuries there have been several London Bridges. The most famous one (you know the one, sold to an American in the 60’s and shipped to Arizona) was built from Dartmoor Granite.

It’s construction started in 1825 and took 6 years to complete.  By 1900, London Bridge had become so busy with traffic and pedestrians something needed to be done.

In 1903 a Dartmoor Quarry was commissioned to extract over 1,500 tonnes of granite to make large Corbels to widen the bridge.

Massive ornate granite Corbel made for London Bridge laying abandoned on Dartmoor

About 12 of these Corbels can be found on Dartmoor lying on the remains of the railway track just outside Swell Tor Quarry.  Were they seconds or just surplus to requirements?  Either way, they make for an incredible sight with each measuring about 3m by 1m.  Just another one of the many amazing things you stumble across when venturing out for a ramble on Dartmoor whilst staying at our Dartmoor Holiday Cottage in Lustleigh

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